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Number of results: 128

, currently showing 1 to 20.

less than 0.5 miles

  1. Ballure reservoir, looking towards the dam
    Ballure reservoir, looking towards the dam


    Ramsey, IM7 1AB


    A small and sheltered hillside reservoir within the Ballure plantation in the North of the Island, within walking distance of the town of Ramsey.

    Add Ballure Reservoir to your Itinerary

less than 2 miles

  1. View from the garden of the front of the Grove House
    Family group walking between the farm buildings at the Grove. A man is pushing a pram.
    Side view of the Grove House showing the conservatory.
    The dining room at the Grove. Family portraits hang on the wall.
    A group of visitors in the sitting room at the Grove. They have their backs to us. The fire is glowing. There is a tiger skin on the floor as a rug.
    Old farm machinery in a barn at the back of the Grove House.
    View from the garden of the front of the Grove House
    Family group walking between the farm buildings at the Grove. A man is pushing a pram.
    Side view of the Grove House showing the conservatory.
    The dining room at the Grove. Family portraits hang on the wall.
    A group of visitors in the sitting room at the Grove. They have their backs to us. The fire is glowing. There is a tiger skin on the floor as a rug.
    Old farm machinery in a barn at the back of the Grove House.


    Andreas Road, Ramsey, IM8 3UA


    +44 (0) 1624 812686


    Step inside the cherished country home of the Gibb family. Inside their possessions reveal the story of the family.

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    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating

    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating - 160 reviews160 reviews
  2. Address

    Port e Vullen

    Port e Vullen

    Port Lewaigue, a small settlement on the rugged East coast of the Isle of Man, is a perfect Dark Sky Discovery spot for stargazing. The car park nestled above the sea and beach provides a great vantage point for watching the night sky, with…

    Add Port Lewaigue Car Park to your Itinerary

  3. Address

    Mooragh Promenade, Ramsey, IM8 3PT


    Just one minute away from Ramsey town centre the south beach at Ramsey is bordered on one side by the victorian Queen's Pier and on the other side by two stone piers.

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  4. Address

    Lake Road, Ramsey, IM8 3AR


    Mooragh Park in Ramsey is a popular attraction with excellent leisure facilities.

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  5. Milntown House
    The Walled Garden at Milntown
    The Mill at Milntown
    Patricia Tutt for Milntown
    Milntown House
    The Walled Garden at Milntown
    The Mill at Milntown
    Patricia Tutt for Milntown


    The Milntown Estate, Lezayre, Ramsey, IM7 2AB


    01624 812321


    There are 15 acres of gardens and woodlands in this historic setting for you to explore. Throughout the gardens there are many excellent specimens of rhododendrons, magnolias, camellias and many other species too, all of which produce a dazzling…

    Add Milntown Gardens to your Itinerary

    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating

    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating - 168 reviews168 reviews
  6. Milntown House
    The Milntown Dining Room
    The Green Bedroom at Milntown
    The Milntown Hallway
    The Milntown Sitting Room
    Milntown House
    The Milntown Dining Room
    The Green Bedroom at Milntown
    The Milntown Hallway
    The Milntown Sitting Room


    Milntown, Lezayre, Ramsey, IM7 2AB


    +44 (0) 1624 812321


    Private House Tours for 10+ individuals can be booked upon request, please call 01624 812321 for further details and to book.

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    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating

    Tripadvisor Traveller Rating - 168 reviews168 reviews

less than 5 miles

  1. Address

    Off A15, Cornaa, Maughold


    Ballaglass Glen can be found north of Laxey. Carpeted in bluebells in Spring it has sparkling streams which dance over rocks sculpted over millions of years.

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  2. Address

    Tholt Y Will, Sulby, Isle Of Man, IM7 2BF


    Tholt-y-Will Glen is set in the upper reaches of Sulby Glen, one of the Island's most stunning and scenic areas.

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  3. Address

    Dhoon Quarry Road, Maughold


    Cashtal yn Ard, or the Castle of the Heights, is an exceptional example of a Neolithic chambered long cairn, with dramatic views over the surrounding landscape.

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  4.  © Peter Killey
    Keeil at Maughold Church  ©  Peter Killey
     ©  Peter Killey
    Interior  © Peter Killey
    Hall Caine Obelisk  ©  Peter Killey
     © Peter Killey
    Keeil at Maughold Church  ©  Peter Killey
     ©  Peter Killey
    Interior  © Peter Killey
    Hall Caine Obelisk  ©  Peter Killey


    Maughold Road, Maughold, IM7 1AS


    +44 (0) 1624 812275


    Visit Kirk Maughold for a spiritual experience in this ancient and tranquil setting and see the large collection of early carved stone crosses.

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  5. Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River
    Sulby River



    01624 685857

    This beautiful waterway has a reputation as one of the Isle of Man's best salmon and sea trout rivers. Many anglers base their fishing around the Sulby Claddaghs Recreational Area.

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  6. Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain
    Snaefell Mountain


    A18 Mountain Road

    Snaefell is the Island’s only mountain. Its summit is 2,036ft above sea level.

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  7. Address

    Main Road, Ramsey Road, Maughold, Isle of Man, IM7 1HL


    Dhoon Glen is known for its natural and rugged beauty. It boasts a splendid waterfall and streams offering the perfect picturesque photos.

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  8. Welcome to Brightlife Spa
    Brightlife Spa Pool
    Brightlife Spa Exterior
    Brightlife Spa Reception
    Brightlife Spa Treatment Rooms
    Welcome to Brightlife Spa
    Brightlife Spa Pool
    Brightlife Spa Exterior
    Brightlife Spa Reception
    Brightlife Spa Treatment Rooms


    Ballalheaney, Andreas Road, Andreas, IM7 4EN


    Relax and unwind at Brightlife Spa with luxurious and modern facilities and therapies set in idyllic countryside surroundings.

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more than 5 miles

  1. Address

    Niarbyl Road, Dalby, IM5 2BS


    Niarbyl is a secluded beauty spot just south of Dalby Village on the Island’s west coast and of great geological interest. Discover the peaceful bay with its rolling hills and dramatic coastal paths leading to White Beach.

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  2. Address

    Ballig, St Johns, IM4 3AD

    St Johns

    Nestled in the rural area of St Johns lies Tynwald Mills, the only department store on Island. Lined by trees and large flat open areas, Tynwald Mills offers the perfect spot for budding stargazers to catch sight of some amazing astronomical views.

    Add Tynwald Mills Overflow Car Park to your Itinerary

  3. Close up of decorated trammer horse
    Close up of decorated trammer horse


    Strathallan Crescent, Douglas, IM1 4NR


    +44 (0) 1624 662525


    Take a nostalgic journey along Douglas Promenade on the world's oldest horse drawn tramway. Trams depart regularly from Derby Castle throughout the day.

    Add Douglas Bay Horse Tramway to your Itinerary

  4. Address

    Groudle Glen, Onchan


    Groudle Glen is deep and rocky in places, with a lively bubbling stream running through its length. A small water wheel is situated in the lower glen.

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  5. Address

    Off the Bollyn Road, Ballaugh


    This sand and shale beach is located on the exposed North West of the island. This beach is a perfect Dark Sky Discovery Spot for stargazing.

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