River Dhoo
The Dhoo rises in Marown then runs through Crosby and Union Mills before joining with the Glass. Fishing is for brown trout, sea trout and salmon. The Dhoo is a very good trout stream with wild brownies up to 30 cm in length. There is a good stretch of more than 1.5 km of publicly-accessible fishing on this river along the Steam Heritage trail footpath, which runs by the river from Union Mills down to the Braddan Bridge. There is on-road parking and access points at Braddan Bridge (map reference SC 365 768), from which the left bank (north/east side) can be fished upstream as far as the old railway bridge (SC 358 778). Continuing from here upstream, fishing is on the right bank (south side) only as far as to the Main Road Bridge in Union Mills (SC 354 778). Some stretches of the mid and upper river are private club waters, and other parts run across private land. The Manx Game Fishing Club controls the fishing between Castletown New Rd and Braddan Bridge as well as a section above Union Mills.
The River Glass
The Glass flows down the West Baldwin Valley passing through the reservoir, joining first the Baldwin River and then the River Dhoo. The Glass has a very good run of salmon which enter from the Douglas River during the autumn months, some of these fish can be very large indeed. The main section of public fishing is within the National Sport Centre grounds as described below. Much of the fishing on the lower Glass controlled through private clubs. The section of river from the Quarter Bridge to the flats before Tromode Road is Manx Game Fishing Club water, while from the Mill Bridge upstream to the top of the weir at Tromode falls is Douglas Angling club water.
Douglas River
The Douglas River is formed by the confluence of the Dhoo & Glass. The river contains wild brown trout, sea trout and has a good run of salmon from late summer onwards. Public access to fish the lower stretches of the Dhoo and Glass and the upper stretches of the Douglas may be gained from within the grounds of the National Sports Centre. Please note that access may be restricted during some NSC events and anglers must cease fishing if requested to do so by NSC staff. The lower River Glass section runs from Quarterbridge (SC 367 762) to just below the river junction at Pulrose power station (SC 367 756). The River Dhoo section runs from the New Castletown Road bridge (SC 365 761) to just below the river junction.
Further downstream, the Manx Game Fishing Club has private fishing on both banks of the Douglas River through the Nunnery Estate (and upstream to Pulrose road bridge on the east bank).
Ticket info: Purchase an ‘other waters’ licence online at www.gov.im/onlineservices, at the Welcome Centre, Sea Terminal Building, Douglas, or at the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture’s headquarters St Johns.
To fish on any of the rivers and streams of the Island you must be in possession of a valid ‘Other Waters’ licence. The season begins on the 1st April and runs until the 30th September, for trout, while salmon and sea trout can still be caught on a full season Other Waters Licence until the 31st October. In season, the daily bag limit is three fish, but only one of these can be a salmon or sea trout. Catch & release is strongly encouraged, and once a salmon or sea trout has been retained then fishing must cease.