Please respect the rules of the road and forests when cycling or mountain biking in the Isle of Man and make sure you have the required equipment and take necessary precautions.
Mountain Bike Grading Information
Is the trail for you? Find the right grade for your abilities.
Green – Easy
Suitable for beginner/ novice riders. Basic bike skills required. Suitable for most people in good health
Relatively flat and wide. Trail surface may be loose, uneven or muddy at times. No challenging features present
Blue – Moderate
Suitable for intermediate cyclist/ mountain bikers with basic off-road riding skills. A good standard of fitness can help
Some single-track sections and small obstacles of root and rock
Red – Difficult
Suitable for proficient mountain bikers with good off-road riding skills. A higher level of fitness and stamina is required
Challenging climbs, tricky descents and technical features including drop-offs and large rocks
Black – Severe
Suitable for expert mountain bikers used to prolonged effort and physically demanding routes
Greater challenge and difficulty. Expect large and unavoidable features
Orange - Extreme
Suitable for riders aspiring to an elite level of technical ability. Good standard of fitness recommended but technical skills more important
Extreme levels of exposure and risk. Route features include downhill trails, dirt jumps and free ride areas
Cycling and Mountain biking is a potentially hazardous activity carrying a significant risk. It should only be undertaken with a full understanding of all inherent risks.
In the event of an emergency telephone 999 and give your location.
Maintenance and Feedback
Please report any issues with the mountain bike trails to: Forestry, Amenity and Lands Directorate (01624) 695701 or Please report any issues with roads, greenlanes or public rights of way to: the Department of Infrastructure online at or for emergency repairs call (01624) 850000.
Highway Code
Please familiarise yourself with the Manx Highway Code before you take to the roads on your bike.
Forest Cycle Code
Always follow the Forest Cycle Code;
1. Ride Responsibly. Please respect other users who share these routes. Riders are asked to slow down on approach, keep control of your bike and try not to startle other riders, runners or walkers.
2. Leave No Trace. Be sensitive to the terrain beneath you and aware that wet and muddy trails are more vulnerable to damage. You may need to consider alternative routes to maintain the sustainability of our route network.
3. Never Scare Animals. An unannounced approach, sudden movement and loud noise can startle animals, which can be dangerous. Please pass horses with care, do not disturb wildlife and leave gates as you found them, or as marked.
4. Country Code. By law, cyclists are not permitted to ride across open heathland, described as Areas of Public Ramblage. Mountain bikers may however ride the many miles of Greenway Roads and permissive trails running through the Department’s hills. Riders should be aware that these routes can change in character and surface regularly and, as such, should be prepared for differing terrain. Riders should remember that forests are working environments, with forestry operations taking place on a regular basis. Access may be restricted for tree felling work or during sporting events and visitors should follow safety signage at all times. Cycling is not permitted on the pathways in any of the Department’s 18 National Glens.
5. Plan Ahead. Know your equipment, your ability and the area in which you are riding and prepare accordingly. Be self-sufficient at all times, keep your equipment in good condition, and carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. Check your bike before setting off on a trail, wear a properly fitting helmet, carry a mobile phone or tell someone where you are going, check the weather forecast and carry spares.