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Manx Summit Walks

Number of results: 8

  1. Address

    Start/Finish: Laxey Manx Electric Railway Station, Laxey


    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 17km or 10.5 mi / 6h
    This walk offers rewarding views do offer a west outlook of Peel Hill and St Patrick’s Isle, Peel Castle and the mighty southern summits.

    Add 1 - East Summits to your Itinerary

  2. Walking up North Barrule Ridge
    Walking up North Barrule Ridge


    Start: Ramsey A2 Road, Finish: Snaefell, Ramsey


    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 10.87km or 6.7mi / 4h 30min
    A stunning walk with plenty of climbs over five summits over 1,000 feet, including two of the Islands highest summits. The distinct ridge of North Barrule is a wonder to walk over.

    Add 2 - North East Summits Five Peaks Challenge to your Itinerary

  3. Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott Summit
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott Summit
    Beinn Y Phott
    Beinn Y Phott


    ​​​​​Start/Finish: Mountain Road, Ramsey


    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 16.2km or 10mi / 5h 20m
    A walk of two circles from Windy Corner. Offering superb views of the east coast of the Island and of the Glen Roy Valley skirting the famous Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

    Add 3 - Central East Summits to your Itinerary

  4. Address

    Start/Finish: Sulby Claddagh, Sulby


    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 21km or 13mi / 7h
    A big walk through the striking and steep sided Tholt y Will Glen and plantation to take in a single summit, Slieau Managh.

    Add 4 - Central North Summit and Sulby Valley to your Itinerary

  5. Address

    Start/Finish: Kirk Michael Main Road, Kirk Michael

    Kirk Michael

    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 17km or 10.5mi / 6h
    You will climb the steep slopes of Slieau Curn for enchanting views northwards of the remote Glen Dhoo Valley where there is often swooping Peregrine Falcons and Hen Harriers.

    Add 5 - North West Summits to your Itinerary

  6. View from the top of Greeba Mountain by Ken Harding
    Summit of Slieau Ruy by Ken Harding
    View from the top of Greeba Mountain by Ken Harding
    Summit of Slieau Ruy by Ken Harding


    Start: Brandywell Road, Finish: Peel Road, West Baldwin

    West Baldwin

    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 10km or 6.2mi / 3h 15m
    Expect rich wildlife and far-reaching views on this linear route through the Island’s peaceful central spine as you walk from top to top of these five summits.

    Add 6 - Central Summits to your Itinerary

  7. Address

    Start/Finish: Niarbyl Car Park, Dalby


    Grading: Difficult
    Distance/Duration: 20 km or 12.5mi / 7h
    This walk offers such variety, including a valley, moorland, coastal footpath, ancient woodland and waterfalls with spectacular views to be admired from all angles of the Island.

    Add 7 - South West Summits and Niarbyl Coast to your Itinerary

  8. Address

    Start/Finish: Slieau Whallian Road, St Johns

    St Johns

    Grading: Moderate
    Distance/Duration: 5.3km or 3.2mi / 2h
    This walk offers rewarding views do offer a west outlook of Peel Hill and St Patrick’s Isle, Peel Castle and the mighty southern summits.

    Add 8 – West Summit to your Itinerary

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