My name is Susan and I am a local tour guide for the Isle of Man, qualified, insured and registered. My tours can be led in English or German. I simply love the Isle of Man, it is my home and I enjoy living here. I was born on the Island but lived in Berlin for many years. Let me show you our hidden gems and all "must see" sites. There is a lot to discover and explore. I am a fully qualified, insured and registered Blue Badge tour guide and a member of the Guild of Manx Registered Tour Guides.
I offer half day or full day excursions, guided walks in Douglas, Peel, Castletown, Laxey and Ramsey as well as guided site tours. I can also arrange evening tours and special events. Guided walks in the countryside with visits to neolithic sites are very popular. It's your precious holiday, you choose.
You may also enjoy exploring some of our glens and waterfalls? There is so much to do and see.
My tours are prearranged but I also provide bespoke tours and can accommodate most special interests.
I am a step on guide which means I can step on your own or hired car or on your coach or minibus. A great way to enjoy the Island is also by public transport, horse drawn tram, electric train, steam train or bus. There is also the option of providing a licenced driver with appropriate car.
Mein Name ist Susan und ich biete eine deutschsprachige Reiseleitung fuer die Isle of Man. Ich liebe diese Insel, meine Heimat. Ich bin hier geboren, habe aber viele Jahre in Deutschland gelebt. Ich bin eine qualifizierte Reiseleiterin fuer die Insel, registriert und versichert..
Gerne bringe ich Sie zu den "geheimnisvollen" Orten aber auch zu den bekannten Sehenswuerdigkeiten der Insel.
Ich biete verschiedene Ausfluege an (halbtags/ganztags), sei es zu Peel, Castletown, Douglas, Laxey oder Ramsey, aber auch zu Schluchten und Wasserfaellen. Eine Fahrt mit der Dampflok zu Port Erin im Sueden der Insel oder mit der elektrischen Bahn auf unsere hoechste Erhebung, Snaefell. Ausfluege am Abend sind auch moeglich, und sollten Sie ein besonderes Ereignis feiern wollen, kann ich Ihnen auch gern bei der Planung und Durchfuehrung behilflich sein.
Wir koennen die oeffentlichen Verkehrsmittel nehmen, das ist ein besonderes Erlebnis. Gerne aber koennen wir das eigene oder gemietete Fahrzeug benutzen.
Es ist Ihr Urlaub, Sie entscheiden.
Guide Prices
Minimum and maximum group sizes depend on activity.
My prices depend on group size and activity. Please contact me for further details.
Preise sind abhaengig von Tour und Personen.
- By Car - Own car / hired car / coach / minibus
- East
- North
- South
- West
- Without Car - Public transport / walking
Languages spoken
- German spoken
Payment Methods
- BACS accepted
- Booking essential
- Groups Accepted
- Max group size
- Min group size
- Open by appointment only
- Open by appointment outside normal opening times
- PayPal Accepted
Provider Facilities
- Accept coach parties
- Dogs Accepted
- Group Friendly
Provider Features
- In countryside - Guided walks are available.
- In town/city centre
- Village Location
- All Year
- Corporate Events
- Dog Owners
- Families
- School Trips
Target Markets
- Marketed Towards Families
Tours and Demonstrations
- Educational Visits Accepted
- Guided Tours Available for Groups
- Guided Tours Available for Individuals
Travel & Trade
- Group discounts available