17 August, 2022
Manx Care is reminding visitors to the Island – including those travelling here for the forthcoming Manx Grand Prix (MGP) festival – to ensure they have adequate travel and health insurance in place ahead of their trip, and bring with them all of the prescription medication they may need during their stay.
The nine-day event begins on Sunday 21 August and finishes on Monday 29 August, with large numbers of visitors expected on the Island during that period. Typically on the Island during a race period where there is a substantial increase in visitors on public roads, there is a corresponding increase in people being admitted to Noble’s Hospital with trauma injuries, or alternatively seeking support and treatment for other illnesses and injuries.
To help visitors understand the healthcare choices available to support them during their stay on the Island, Manx Care is also requesting that visitors to the MGP know how to access its ‘signposting of services’ brochure, which is available in multiple languages and highlights the breadth of places that people can get support from, including the Minor Illnesses and Injuries Unit (MIU) at Ramsey Cottage Hospital, the Manx Emergency Doctor Service (MEDS), GPs and the network of Community Pharmacies. This can be accessed via this URL: https://www.gov.im/signposting
The signposting of services brochure also includes information on access to medical services for both UK residents and visitor from overseas.
During the MGP period, X-Ray capability at the MIU will be increased to cover every day from Sunday 21 August until Monday 29 August (between 09:00 and 17:00 on weekdays and between 11:00 and 17:00 on weekends and public holidays). The MIU will be open from 08:00 to 20:00 each day during this period, and the MEDS service will be available from 18:00 to 08:00 Monday to Friday and is available 24 hours a day over weekends and public holidays.
Paul Moore, Manx Care’s Executive Director of Nursing and Governance, commented: “We first launched our ‘signposting of services’ campaign in May, prior to the TT festival, and this was very well received by Manx residents as well as visitors as it provides clarity on the most appropriate place for them to access the right support for their injury, illness or other concern, including support for some mental health presentations. Given the demand that we expect to see across our services during the Manx Grand Prix period, I would urge visitors and our local residents to do some forward-planning so they’re able to make an informed choice about where they can get the support they need, and importantly that they can choose the option that is most appropriate for their clinical needs. It’s really important that we’re able to prioritise the Emergency Department at Noble’s Hospital for the treatment of urgent and emergency cases wherever possible, and encourage people to choose the service that is best for them.”
The Emergency Department had the busiest TT period on record this year with 1,587 attendances during the festival. Typically this figure is usually around 1,100 attendances during a TT period.
In addition, Manx Care’s Ambulance Service also experienced its busiest on record during TT 2022, attending 710 individual incidents across the fortnight. For the MGP, it will welcome four Paramedics from Wales to the Island to support its teams in the delivery of urgent and emergency care, with Manx Care’s existing ED team being increased with the support of three extra ED Nurses and one additional ED Consultant. Will Bellamy, Head of Isle of Man Ambulance Service (IMAS), commented: “During the TT we welcomed seven Paramedics from Wales and Guernsey in a mutual aid arrangement, who all played a crucial role in the delivery of first-response, urgent care to those who needed it. This works really well here on the Island and so I’m delighted that we’re welcoming four new colleagues to support the IMAS teams over the MGP period. I hope Manx residents will feel reassured that we will be there for them if they need us, as well as those visiting our Island over the festival period.”
Manx Care will be posting frequent ‘signposting’ information on its Facebook page (@ManxCare) throughout the MGP period to support both Manx residents and visitors to the Island.
The MGP Schedule can be found here.