Having accurate data benefits everyone involved in the Tourism Industry. By being aware of the occupancy numbers achieved across the Island, Visit Isle of Man are able to track and predict key visitor trends which, in turn, inform the work of the Department.
The data is useful to your own business as it offers an opportunity to benchmark your performance against that of the wider industry. Understanding the industry and its key markets and peak times can help your business planning and how to maximise valuable trade opportunities.
In return for your time, TSE Research will send monthly results showing how accommodation businesses have performed throughout the Island.
TSE Research will send you an invitation email at the end of each month which will contain a link to the survey for that month. To access the survey you will need to input your email address as the username and leave the password box blank. There are no codes or passwords to remember. There are only seven short questions on the survey to be completed.
Click the relevant link below to view the questions included with the survey:
- Non Serviced
- Non Serviced (multiple properties)
- Serviced
As you manage multiple self-catering properties you have two options of submitting your data:
- Submit information collectively. Completing one online form for all of your properties combined
- Submit information for each property on separate forms. Completing one form per property.
Please email or call TSE Research to advise how you would prefer to enter your information so that they can ensure the system is set to your preference. Please make sure you mention the name of your properties to help with this. If there is enough demand from non-serviced providers, TSE Research will explore whether it is possible to introduce the option to submit information on a per booking basis rather than per month basis. If this is something that would interest you, please make contact with TSE Research to make them aware.
Complete confidentiality is ensured for participating establishments, with all data held by TSE Research in the strictest confidence. Visit Isle of Man do not at any time have access to your individual results, they received the same compiled report that you do.
If you have any further questions regarding the survey or results report please do not hesitate to contact TSE Research on research@tourismse.com and we will be pleased to respond.