3 March, 2022
Tourism and Hospitality Recruitment and Staff Shortages Survey
Many destinations across the world are reporting challenges with recruitment and skills shortages in the tourism and hospitality sector and this is also being felt by Isle of Man tourism and hospitality businesses.
The Visit Agency is seeking to understand the recruitment and staff shortages situation across the Island's tourism and hospitality businesses in an effort to identify trends, gather insight and identify the immediate and longer term recruitment challenges of the sector. This information will help guide the Agency in its considerations of support.
We are encouraging as many businesses as possible to complete the short survey and we would very much appreciate your participation.
The survey contains 12 questions and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It would be helpful for the survey to be completed by a member of your organisation who is familiar with the current staff shortages and recruitment processes.
The closing date to complete the survey is the 16th March 2022
The results of the survey will be published anonymously by the 18th March on visitisleofman.com/trade.
Click here to take the survey
Recruitment Agencies
Isle of Man Recruitment Agencies
If your business is struggling to recruit, you may wish to speak with the Isle of Man Job Centre and/or one of the on-island recruitment agencies committed to supporting the Island’s hospitality businesses:
Company: Isle of Man Job Centre, contact: https://services.gov.im/contact, telephone: 01624 687014
Company: Ambitions, contact: Sharon or Leanne, telephone: 01624 614841 or 01624 614842, email: info@ambitions.co.im
Company: Recruitment Works, contact: Carmella or Jo, telephone: 01624 629676, email: Vacancies@recruitmentworks.im, Jo@recruitmentworks.im
Company: EPL Recruitment, telephone: 01624 615600, email: Mail@Epl.Im
Off-Island Recruitment Agencies
You may also wish to make contact with off Island tourism and hospitality job advertising agencies to expand the reach of your search. There is a variety of sector specific recruitment agencies and job advertising companies in the UK for example:
Work Permits and Visas for Hospitality
Work Permit Exemption for Seasonal Workers in Hospitality (extended for 2022)
Recruiting staff members from within the Common Travel Area (UK, Jersey, Guernsey and Ireland)
The exemption from work permit requirements for seasonal employment in the hospitality sector has be reintroduced this year to cover the summer season from 1st March 2022 - 31st October 2022. This exemption provides a simplified process to request an exemption from a work permit for seasonal hospitality workers (from the UK, Jersey, Guernsey and Ireland) where you have been unable to recruit for positions locally.
Use of the exemption is dependent on employees meeting certain criteria, including a minimum of 12 months' work experience in the sector.
Full details on this route including Eligibility Criteria and the Conditions can be found here.
Worker (seasonal) Migrant Visa
Recruiting staff members from outside of the Common Travel Area (UK, Jersey, Guernsey and Ireland) e.g. Europe or further afield.
Isle of Man tourism and hospitality businesses who may be experiencing difficulties recruiting into roles on Island, are able to employ workers from outside of the common travel area with a little more ease. This new route will allow businesses to attract workers from outside the UK who wish to work seasonally in the Isle of Man but have been unable to do so. This visa allows businesses to employ non-settled seasonal workers for a maximum of nine months and is available for individuals who have not already held the equivalent visa in the Isle of Man, UK, or Channel Islands within the three months prior to applying.
The visa is dependent upon employers and employees meeting a certain criteria and this helpful guidance document outlines the key points IOM DFE Locate Seasonal Worker Migrant Visa Guide.
Full details on this route including Eligibility Criteria and the Conditions can be found here.